SONOTHERAG: Sonoactivable Nanotheragnostics for Cancer Treatment

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Joint call EuroNanoMed II

Project duration : 4 years (2014-2017)


  • Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron (IBMM), Avignon, France (Christiane CONTINO-PEPIN – Project coordinator)
  • Laboratoire d’Imagerie Biomédicale, Paris, France (Nicolas TAULIER)
  • Oslo University Hopistal, Oslo, Norway (resp. Quian PENG)
  • Université de Genève, Genève, Suisse (resp. Rares SALOMIR)
  • Intelligence In Medical Technologies (IMT), Paris, France (resp. Pierre-Jean TOUBOUL)

Project description

SONOTHERAG focuses on the design and development of sophisticated nanotools designed to facilitate the diagnosis (through 19F MRI or ultrasound technologies) and controlled therapeutic treatment of tumor growth. These theragnostic devices comprise nanodroplets of liquid perfluorocarbon dispersed in water through the self-assembling properties of amphiphilic fluorinated compounds. If a hydrophobic sonosensitizer is trapped into the core of the nanodroplets we can expect to trigger its delivery, as well as the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in a controlled and focused way through ultrasound-mediated induction. More than 100 years following the Paul Erhlich’s dream of “magic bullets”, our consortium aims at developing “magic droplets”, initially innocuous, that will acquire a “drug profile” only when locally stimulated by the appropriate ultrasound waves.
